Space for Lease

Located @ SE 26th & Clinton Street

2 Treatment rooms, available individually, for lease starting 01/01/2022:

These offices are in a suite of three offices, with a large waiting area and bathroom. The suite is a tastefully furnished lovely space. Pictures below. The treatment rooms are unfurnished, the pictures show the rooms as they were set up by the retiring psychotherapists that had occupied them for years. They are an excellent fit for counseling/psychotherapy, bodywork/massage, acupuncture, complimentary healthcare practitioners, etc..

The suite is in an inner SE neighborhood at 26th and SE Clinton. Referrals often come from people in the neighborhood who enjoy walking to therapy and see our signs on the street. Our building is quite visible and known for the therapists, naturopaths and body workers. We are on the bus route and close to many good restaurants and fun shops. There is a small parking lot and plenty of free street parking. Located on the upper floor, there is one flight of stairs and the suite is not ADA accessible.

Explore the spaces below. Interested? Please call or text Aaron: 503-407-6046, or via email by clicking here.

Office A: 11′ x 12′ 6″, 137.5 sq. ft, with separate entrance/exit to balcony, Rent is $620.00/mo + $30.00 monthly cleaning fee. All Utilities and Wifi included. 1 or 2 year leases available.

Office A
Office A
Office A
Office A

Office B: 11′ 6″ x 12′ 6″, 143.75 sq. ft, with convertible sink/countertop. Rent is $620.00/mo + $30.00 monthly cleaning fee. All Utilities and Wifi included. 1 or 2 year lease available.

Office B
Office B
Waiting Room & doors to A & B
Suite Entrance

Interested? Please call or text Aaron: 503-407-6046, or via email by clicking here.