Click the YouTube logo above to go to my channel for self-help and educational videos. Be sure to subscribe!
Specializing in:
- Myofascial Massage Therapy
- Natural Foot Health & Gait Coaching
- Auto Accident Treatment & Whiplash Recovery
- Athletes & Performance Artists
- Chronic Pain
- Trauma Recovery & Injury Management
- Mind-Body Techniques
- Economy of Motion
- Posture & Ergonomics
- Continuing Education

Enjoyable, effective treatment and management of many conditions. Always offering a pleasant, nurturing and expansive experience, even when you feel great already!
Aaron Gustafson is approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. #450969-09
Please reach out if you have any questions at all, or if I've left your condition off the list and you're curious if I can help. I'm happy to let you know how I may be of service, or refer you to a more prudent treatment option for the help you want.
Conditions Treated, Resolved and/or Managed:
- Pain: Acute, Subacute or Chronic
- Whiplash / Auto Accident Care (We'll bill Insurance, no out-of-pocket cost to start feeling better!)
- Back, Neck & Rib Pain & Injuries
- Disc Issues / Degenerative Disc Disease
- Headaches, Tension & Migraine
- TMJD & TMJ problems (Jaw & Bite issues)
- Nerve Pain
- Foot Pain & Injuries
- Plantar Fasciitis / Plantar Fasciosis
- Bunions
- Hammertoes
- Crooked Toes
- Ball of Foot Pain (Metatarsalgia)
- Neuroma
- Sprains / Strains
- Hand, Wrist, Arm & Shoulder Pain & Injuries
- Repetitive Motion Injuries
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tendonitis / Tendinosis
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Tennis Elbow / Golfer's Elbow (Epicondylitis)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Arthritis Pain
- Foot, Ankle, Knee & Hip Pain and Injuries
- Shin Splints
- Runner's Knee (Chondromalacia)
- Patellar Tracking Issues
- Meniscus, ACL, PCL, LCL or MCL Tears
- IT Band Syndrome
- Bursitis
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Labral Tears
- Artificial Joints
- Sciatica
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Postural Distortion
- Fibromyalgia
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Spondylosis
- Spondylolisthesis / Spondylolysis
- & more... but this list is getting TLTR!