Sugar Presentation Resources
Sugar: What’s it really doing to us?
Presenter: Rachel Gustafson BS, NTP
Nutritional Therapy Association
Guard your health – Your body on sugar
Addiction – America’s addiction to sugar
Video resources:
What does sugar actually do to your body?
How sugar affects the brain.
Sugar hiding in plain sight.
Ideas for in the classroom:
Grow a garden – food scraps or seeds
Make stone soup
Make sweets vs. real food chart
Bake together
Make a rainbow with fresh fruits and veggies
Make your own healthy foods plate
Use sugar cubes to show how much sugar is in different foods
Field trips – farmers market, grocery store, apple festival, urban farm
Resources for families:
Encourage healthy snacks, and if applicable healthy lunch options
Have a no juice policy
Share this sugar training information with families at conferences, or weekly newsletters.
Have a veggie or fruit of the week.
Keep communicating with families
Great resource-