COVID-19 Policies

I will be following all OHA requirements to offer you a safe massage experience. To be prepared for your appointment, please read and follow the steps below.

  1. Book your appointment on Genbook.
  2. The day of, or within 24 hours before, fill out the appropriate intake form online (Click one: New Client or Returning Client) and hit submit. There will also be a link to the form in your confirmation and reminder emails. If you are unable to complete the online form, paper copies and clean pens are available at the office.
  3. Pre-Pay, if possible, for your session online (Including insurance co-payments). Click Here to Pre-pay Cash (preferred), checks, or cards are also accepted at your appointment.
  4. Please wait in your car, or on the porch until your appointment time (Do not come early, the waiting room is closed)
  5. Upon arrival, you will be asked the COVID-19 screening questions as on the intake form and have an infrared temperature reading taken as you arrive. Appointments will need to be rescheduled if all conditions of safety are not met.
  6. You must wear a mask at all times in the office and during the session per office policy (except while face down on the table). I will have a disposable mask available for you for each session.

Thank you for your flexibility and commitment to keeping everyone healthy. I super urge you to book 90 minute sessions! If we’re going through all this trouble, we might as well maximize our time together! For insurance billing, they typically will only cover 60 minutes, you can extend your insurance session 30 minutes for $50. 60 minutes is still great too, if that’s all that works for you. : )

What to expect:

  • Sanitizer!
  • I will not be wearing gloves (unless you or I have a cut/injury requiring me to do so).
  • I will wash any part of my body used (hands, elbows, forearms) for at least 20 seconds in soap and water per OHA and OBMT.
  • I will wear a mask at all times.
  • I will wear a clean change of clothes for each session.
  • I will have a HEPA filter with UV light anti-microbial treatment on beneath the massage table, cleaning air and blowing it away from our heads.
  • 30 minutes between each client allowing for cleaning, changing and adequate distancing.