Grasping Tensegrity~Exploring Centers of Balance and Ease

We invite you to join Aaron Gustafson LMT CAMT II, and Hamid Shibata Bennett LMT, CAMT for an exciting and fun day introducing and/or deepening your work with tensegrity in both self and clients.  We will explore and increase understanding of theory by matching physical movement, experience and hands-on technique to help you feel the concepts at work in your own body.

Event:  Grasping Tensegrity: Exploring Centers of Balance and Ease 

Date:  Saturday October 3, 2015

Time:   9:00am-5pm = 8 CE hours

Where:  TaborSpace, 5441 SE Belmont St. Portland, OR 97215,  In the Annex.

Cost: $195.00  ($30.00 Early Registration Discount: $165.00 if registered by: Friday 9/11/15)  Register Here

Logo of a boy holding an anchor and a ballon. NCBTMB Continuing Education credit and records offered by Transcend Bodywork & Aaron Gustafson

Aaron Gustafson LMT CAMT

Aaron Gustafson, LMT, CAMT II, is approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider ( #450969-09).  The Bodywork Aaron practices is called Technesoma (translation: ‘Craft-Body’).  Technesoma is a unique blend of manual therapy techniques utilizing Myofascial Touch and Creative Visualization Mind-Body techniques, with influences from Pain-Free Deep Tissue Massage, Shamanism, Reiki, and Kung Fu.  Aaron further developed this blend into self-care and bodywork classes known as Rooted Movement.  Technesoma therapy and Rooted Movement offer a safe environment for resetting relationships with physical suffering and exploring the personal emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth that often accompany physical healing.

Hamid Shibata Bennett LMT CAMT

Hamid Shibata Bennett, LMT, CAMT (OBMT #301) is a licensed massage therapist specializing in cancer survivorship and oncology massage, advanced myofascial techniques, trauma release, gait function, breathing mechanics, chronic pain and sound therapy. His practice, Compassion Arts PDX, is located in SE Portland, Oregon. He is president and co-founder of Taking Care Cancer, a local 501c3 non-profit offering integrative, volunteer-based community support for cancer survivorship. Hamid is also a musician, writer, educator and rare lymphoma survivor. His bodywork nurtures awareness with structural listening touch, creative movement, presence and mutual intention.